Creative 3D and Web Studio

bringing 3D and online life to your products

10+ years of experience

With over a decade of expertise, we specialize in bringing your products to life through creative 3D designs and immersive online experiences. As a part of Digital Media company, we share the same passion for innovative digital tools.


In the order we were assembled.

Stanislav Szkandera


Standa helps our clients with programming and application development.

Martin Křivák

Senior Graphic Designer

Martin is the one who sets the direction for all animations and the most complex 3D projects.

Helena Krovinová

Project Manager

You'll hear from Helena most often. She will guide you through the whole project and arrange everything.

Alfred Nešpor

3D graphic designer

Fred is our robotically accurate 3D modeler and explorer of new technologies.

Ondřej Bublík

3D Enviroment Designer

Ondra designs the most beautiful scenes for you.

Petr Bartoš

3D graphic designer

Petr produces the most stylish architectural visualizations for you.

Michal Marek

Website Manager

Michal takes care of the websites and applications we develop for you.

Jana Marková

Website Manager

Jana manages the content of your web applications.

Our clients

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+420 776 557 092

(from 9:00 - 15:00 Central European Time)

Digital Media s.r.o., Hamerská 215/7, 779 00 Olomouc


Customized solution design
Personal approach
Quotation in advance
Time flexibility